Cornell Earth Art

Cornell Earth Art
Earth Artists

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cary Peppermint and Christine Nadar

"Externalities; Wildeeness and its Others"

Cary is influenced by internet Art as a performance artist who uses the environment as a basis for his collaboration with Christine. Cary is a "true hacker" in that he revels in changing systems as they were never intended to be. Christine and Cary come from pretty different areas...Christine from analytic trajectory and Cary as an artist.

Christine does Eco criticism and has looked at the concept of
"sacrifice" in eco art in her recent writing.

Cary and Christine work with digital technology.

"Environmental Risk Assessment Rover-AT, VErsion 1.0, 2008 ERAR
A mobile, solar and GPs powered, networked video installation that will accumulate and aggregate the environmental thteats and resks faced by the population in its immediagte location. Gives a fourteen tiered threat level embedded live within video projections onto local natural and architectural surfaces.

Untitled Landscapes for Portable Media Players
These works may best viewed at random on your personal media player.
The idea for Cary is most important over aesthetic considerations.

You can download these images at

Christine is interested how digital technology enables some experiences but disables other experiences.

Environmentality and Modernity: a poll asking questions of its viewers. Involved with playing with ideas and not a documentary way. Cary likes not take things stoo seriously.

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